Localizing objects in image collections without supervision can help to avoid expensive annotation campaigns. We propose a simple approach to this problem, that leverages the activation features of a vision transformer pre-trained in a self-supervised manner. Our method, LOST, does not require any external object proposal nor any exploration of the image collection; it operates on a single image. Yet, we outperform state-of-the-art object discovery methods by up to 8 CorLoc points on PASCAL VOC 2012. We also show that training a class-agnostic detector on the discovered objects boosts results by another 7 points. Moreover, we show promising results on the unsupervised object discovery task.
@inproceedings{LOST, title = {Localizing Objects with Self-Supervised Transformers and no Labels}, author = {Oriane Sim\'eoni and Gilles Puy and Huy V. Vo and Simon Roburin and Spyros Gidaris and Andrei Bursuc and Patrick P\'erez and Renaud Marlet and Jean Ponce}, journal = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)}, month = {November}, year = {2021} }